Sunday, October 7, 2012

Well, the reunion is over, but it will be a long time before it is forgotten. A few of us got together Sunday morning for a farewell bunch at the Peter Pan Diner... thanks to Diana Rodriguez for setting things up.
Here is the final photo taken before we (well, most of us, anyway) went our separate ways...
Back Row: Frank, Barbara, Stan, Don, Diana, Nina, Debbie, Michelle, Tina, Leslie, and Russ
Front Row: John, Mike, and Dave
So now we need to think to the future... if you have any Class of 72 connections, spread the word about this page. It will (hopefully) develope into THE spot for news about our class and our future doings.
The last act of THIS Reunion will be a breakfast at the Peter Pan Diner on Sunrise Highway; 10 am. Hope to see you all one last time before we again head our separate ways...
We had another successful meeeting last night at the Carriage House in Babylon, and this time I had my camera out.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Bay Shore High School

Here is what the old place looked like on a sunny Bay Shore morning; Saturday October 5, 2012
We recieved this note from Maureen MacKenzie:

"I couldn't make it to our reunion in person, but please know that I am thinking of you and hoping that maybe some of our class will make it here to sunny San Diego for a visit. You're welcome any time! A special abrazo to my b.b., Jane!"

If you have a note you would like posted, send it to me at

The Story So Far, and a Plan Change

The first night of the Class of 72 reunion went very well. We had around 40 members of the class, plus teachers Tom Murray and Charles Jones. I know I missed talking to many of you, but we have two more events to go.
AND ABOUT THOSE EVENTS, we have a small change. Because the weather is going to be uncooperative on Sunday, the executive decision has been made to go to Robert Moses State Park TODAY (Saturday) at 1 pm. So bring your Leggios and meet at Lot 5. Sorry for the last minute change...
Tonight is still at the Carriage House in Babylon, 6 pm. I hope to see you there...

Mr Murray holding court

Here is photo of some of the revelers having dinner... and yes, that is our class advisor, Tom Murray, at the end of the table. I did not take any other photos las night (sorry) but there were other pictures taken that I hope to post.