Sunday, October 7, 2012

Well, the reunion is over, but it will be a long time before it is forgotten. A few of us got together Sunday morning for a farewell bunch at the Peter Pan Diner... thanks to Diana Rodriguez for setting things up.
Here is the final photo taken before we (well, most of us, anyway) went our separate ways...
Back Row: Frank, Barbara, Stan, Don, Diana, Nina, Debbie, Michelle, Tina, Leslie, and Russ
Front Row: John, Mike, and Dave
So now we need to think to the future... if you have any Class of 72 connections, spread the word about this page. It will (hopefully) develope into THE spot for news about our class and our future doings.
The last act of THIS Reunion will be a breakfast at the Peter Pan Diner on Sunrise Highway; 10 am. Hope to see you all one last time before we again head our separate ways...
We had another successful meeeting last night at the Carriage House in Babylon, and this time I had my camera out.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Bay Shore High School

Here is what the old place looked like on a sunny Bay Shore morning; Saturday October 5, 2012
We recieved this note from Maureen MacKenzie:

"I couldn't make it to our reunion in person, but please know that I am thinking of you and hoping that maybe some of our class will make it here to sunny San Diego for a visit. You're welcome any time! A special abrazo to my b.b., Jane!"

If you have a note you would like posted, send it to me at

The Story So Far, and a Plan Change

The first night of the Class of 72 reunion went very well. We had around 40 members of the class, plus teachers Tom Murray and Charles Jones. I know I missed talking to many of you, but we have two more events to go.
AND ABOUT THOSE EVENTS, we have a small change. Because the weather is going to be uncooperative on Sunday, the executive decision has been made to go to Robert Moses State Park TODAY (Saturday) at 1 pm. So bring your Leggios and meet at Lot 5. Sorry for the last minute change...
Tonight is still at the Carriage House in Babylon, 6 pm. I hope to see you there...

Mr Murray holding court

Here is photo of some of the revelers having dinner... and yes, that is our class advisor, Tom Murray, at the end of the table. I did not take any other photos las night (sorry) but there were other pictures taken that I hope to post.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

And what if it rains?


There have been some questions about the plans for Sunday, as it looks like rain and Robert Moses is outside. Funny place for a park, but I digress...
We are looking for suggestions for a more weather-proof venue just in case, so if anyone has any ideas, let me know.
In any case, please check back here for any final changes to "The Plan"...


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

What has changed... and what remains the same

Susan Barbash prepared a report on how the last 40 years have treated the Bay Shore School System, and she asked to have it included here:


What has changed …What is the same.


Forty years is a long time.

It is not surprising that our alma mater has changed quite a bit since 1972. In many respects, Bay Shore is much like it always was….only more so.  Ours is still one of the most economically and racially diverse districts on Long Island….  You may be shocked to learn just how diverse Bay Shore is today:  the student population is 37% white, 36% Latino, 22% African American, 4% Asian, and 1% Multi-Cultural.

Because of this diversity, there are still a lot of people outside Bay Shore who assume that the district is troubled or struggling.  It is, in fact, thriving.  


Bricks and Mortar….Facilities rivaling a private college:

Every school has been renovated and expanded…the high school most dramatically.

Highlights: Field House, new rehearsal rooms, multi media lab, recording studio, renovated libraries for the 21st century in every building



Dual Language Class offered in elementary school

 18 AP courses offered in high school

17 International Baccalaureate (IB) courses offered in high school (this program is new)

Mandarin Chinese added to foreign language options this year!


Commitment to Cultural Arts:

District named “Grammy Signature School”

A great extracurricular theater program in both Middle School and High School

5 bands, 3 orchestras and 4 choirs in the Middle School

5 bands, 3 orchestras and 3 choirs in the High School

Voice lessons for choir members

Dance offered as a Phys. Ed. and Performing Arts elective

The Bay Shore Schools Arts Education (BSSAEF) –not for profit founded in 1997 by community members, dedicated to the belief that in Bay Shore the arts should be for everyone.  The BSSAEF funds a variety of cultural programs for grades k-12 including music, theater and dance residencies, and writing workshops.


Excellence in Athletics and Physical Education:

Wellness Center opens in Middle School - 1998, in High School - 2006

Girls’ Track Team ranked in top 5 on Long Island

Girls’ Soft Ball, NYS Record holder with over 600 wins and 7 NY State championship teams

Crew introduced as a Varsity sport in 1998, NYS Champs in 2012

Bay Shore pioneers “Farm to School” Program in 2012


Awards: Just some of many

Bay Shore high school students Sodasia Thompson  and Joe Pastore named Grand Prize Winner of VH1’s Battle of the Band Competition ($5000 cash prize goes to district)

Maroon Echo is named top paper by Long Island Press  in 2012 (You have to be in journalism class to have a leadership role on the Maroon Echo)

Writers Block Literary Magazine wins “Most Outstanding High School Literary-Art Magazine” by the American Scholastic Press Association


Distinguished Guests:

First Lady, Hillary Clinton

Author, Frank McCourt

Dancer, Savion Glover

Singers, John Legend and Roberta Flack

Actor, Mos Def


Bay Shore is a public school that works.  It is not a super-rich school district. It serves a very economically diverse community that has never failed to pass a school budget.

Alumni can be proud of their alma mater.  For more information visit  or better yet Friend the Bay Shore School District www.facebook/  It is a great way to stay connected.  


   Won’t you consider giving to your alma mater?
   Pick your priority
   ___student scholarship fund  ___cultural arts   ___athletics/wellness
   Circle an amount: $10    $25    $50    $100    $250    $500
   Make your check payable to the Bay Shore School District and mail to
   S. Barbash/Reunion Gift
   52 Lawrence Lane   Bay Shore NY 11706
   Questions?  Email me at



The latest news on the Reunion

In an effort to include those who may not be able to get to the reunion, we've set up this Blog site so that those in far-away places can keep up with what is happening and even post comments if they wish. It will also be a place for last minute details and/or changes if needed.

If you want to leave a message here, you can either send it to me at , or let me know your email address (and give me some indication that you really went to BSHS; I have QUITE enough emails about Nigerian Banks... ) and I will set you up so you can post yourself. You will probably need to register with Google for this last option.

Here is the latest on the reunion...
The bad news is that we had to cancel the High School tour on Friday since just about everyone going to the reunion would still be travelling, and only a few people would be able to take part.
The Good News is that it is not too late to be there with us for the other events... but we would like to know that you are coming.

The Great News is that we had a lot of interest in the reunion and we will have people there from as far away as Alaska.

One more time, here are the details:
Friday, Oct 5: Welcome party at Captain Bill's, Bay Shore, starting at 6PM
For those who really can't get enough of the old place, and want your Marauder Football Fix, the team has a Home Game at 2 pm on Saturday against William Floyd.
Saturday Oct 6: Reunion at The Carriage House, Babylon, again starting at 6PM

Sunday Oct 7, Farewell Picnic at Robert Moses Field 5, starting at 10AM

Friday and Saturday night are pay-as-you-go, Sunday is a bring-your-own (a good chance to get that Leggios fix for those who have been off The Island for too long!)
Again, there is no deadline for reservations, but please let us know if you will be there... and again, spread the word.


If you have any comments or questions, please let me know...

For the commitee,
John Burns