Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The latest news on the Reunion

In an effort to include those who may not be able to get to the reunion, we've set up this Blog site so that those in far-away places can keep up with what is happening and even post comments if they wish. It will also be a place for last minute details and/or changes if needed.

If you want to leave a message here, you can either send it to me at iain51hdbw@msn.com , or let me know your email address (and give me some indication that you really went to BSHS; I have QUITE enough emails about Nigerian Banks... ) and I will set you up so you can post yourself. You will probably need to register with Google for this last option.

Here is the latest on the reunion...
The bad news is that we had to cancel the High School tour on Friday since just about everyone going to the reunion would still be travelling, and only a few people would be able to take part.
The Good News is that it is not too late to be there with us for the other events... but we would like to know that you are coming.

The Great News is that we had a lot of interest in the reunion and we will have people there from as far away as Alaska.

One more time, here are the details:
Friday, Oct 5: Welcome party at Captain Bill's, Bay Shore, starting at 6PM 
For those who really can't get enough of the old place, and want your Marauder Football Fix, the team has a Home Game at 2 pm on Saturday against William Floyd.
Saturday Oct 6: Reunion at The Carriage House, Babylon, again starting at 6PM http://www.babyloncarriagehouse.com/

Sunday Oct 7, Farewell Picnic at Robert Moses Field 5, starting at 10AMhttp://www.nysparks.com/parks/7/details.aspx

Friday and Saturday night are pay-as-you-go, Sunday is a bring-your-own (a good chance to get that Leggios fix for those who have been off The Island for too long!)
Again, there is no deadline for reservations, but please let us know if you will be there... and again, spread the word.


If you have any comments or questions, please let me know...

For the commitee,
John Burns

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